How long does it take to get SEO results?

How Long Does It Take To Get Seo Results

How Long Does It Take To Get Seo Results?

“Results” is a very broad word. Each business will have its own expectations and preferences as to what results are acceptable or unacceptable. With that said, SEO is a long-term process with relatively consistent results if handled and executed in an efficient, relentless manner. Ultimately, a successful campaign will start showing worthy SEO results 4-6 months in.


Factors to achieving SEO results


Content, Content, Content

How Long Does It Take To Get Seo Results

How Long Does It Take To Get Seo Results?

The very root of successful SEO is site content. Within each page of content will be your relative keywords to your industry and your specific business. In addition, the chosen page topics and quality of content will help with SERP (Search Engine Results Page) rankings. Think of SEO from a consumer standpoint. If you are searching the web for tips on investing in your 401K, wouldn’t you want your first click to be on a link that educates you and feeds you 401K tips in a way you can understand?

Too many companies get caught up in keyword usage and forget the importance of creating content that is truly helpful to a desired audience or consumer. Google considers this. Google’s algorithm places focus on relevant content. Specifically, search engines do not exist solely to bring traffic to the millions of businesses that exist. They exist selfishly also, to ensure the best and most relevant content is relayed to the users or searchers. That is why search engines are visited.

Thus, make sure you keep your viewers in mind when you are creating content. Make sure you are providing them with the information they need so they convert into actual customers and hopefully become retained customers.

Keyword Strategy

Content is atop the list in accomplishing SEO results; however, keyword strategy is not too far behind. The idea is to slip in a few keywords or keyword phrases to each content page within your website to help increase traffic. Though, you want to do so in as seamless of a manner as possible so your content does not lose quality. Search engines do not like pages in which keywords are used too frequently, an industry term known as “keyword stuffing”.

Keyword strategy is both vital and sensitive when it comes to search rankings. Keyword selection is vital because it separates your company from competitors, especially within your company’s region. If your business is part of a highly competitive industry then it won’t do much good to rely on generic keywords to attempt to bring in customers. For example, an air conditioning company should avoid using “air conditioning” as a lonesome keyword. The industry is simply too competitive. Rather, add a city or a region to the keyword to create a long-tailed keyword, giving a specific content page some distinction.


An often overlooked or neglected aspect of successful SEO results is responsiveness. Responsiveness for a website means ensuring all pages of your website can be properly viewed on all forms of technology. Precisely, each edition of smartphones and tablets. This can be accomplished through the design aspect of a website. The last thing you want is for a viewer to be turned away because a webpage is misaligned or out of whack.

Meta Specifics

If you’ve created content before, you’re certainly familiar with all of the little details required to optimize a page. Though they seem little, their importance is massive. Meta information is what will show up on search engines. Regardless of where the page ranks, each link will have a meta title, a meta description and a permalink.

The meta title should be concise and to the point. There is no need for fluff as that is what the actual page is for. Also, it helps if the meta title includes at least one keyword and perhaps the company name. This will help with search engine results and user recognition. The meta description is essentially just a summary for the page. As a parallel, the meta description should also be keyword friendly.

As for the permalink, or slug, you’ll want to ensure there are no stop words included and that the slug is not too long. Ideally, you want all of the meta information to show up in full on the search engine result.


SEO results

How Long Does It Take To Get Seo Results

How Long Does It Take To Get Seo Results?

Now, reverting back to the “results” consideration…if you consistently execute all of the above then your business should start to see SEO results by the 6-month mark. This means increased traffic, leads, conversions and overall business growth. It is important to realize that successful SEO does not stem from on and off efforts. Rather, successful SEO stems from consistent effort. A company will want to consistently produce fresh, quality content so Google will keep the company website in mind. Keywords should be updated and tweaked based on success. Plus, every content page should be optimized as best as possible.

If you are looking for an expert SEO company to help grow your business, look no further than Click4Corp. Our team of experts cover all of the essentials, including SEO, content, social media and all that goes into a successful SEO campaign. We also offer PPC (Pay-Per-Click) assistance. Contact Click4Corp today! Also, please visit our blog for additional helpful digital marketing information.

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